Monday, May 19, 2008

Episode 122: Shirley Chisholm

As we proceed to give you what you need...and what you asked for (according to the poll), we continue on with a few episodes of selected speeches. This episode's keynote speaker is Shirley Chisholm. In this speech, Mrs. Chisholm describes the future that she sees for the American family, and proves to be somewhat predictive, (is that a word?) as she delivered this speech in 1977, and seems to vividly describe the condition of the American family today. The speech is a cry out for parental and social responsibility. It may sound a little old school to today's audience, or perhaps a little preachy...but it is a heart-felt speech, about an increasingly important issue as you can hear the sincere concern in Mrs. Chisholm's voice. Her concern is for the future of America's children, about their education and well-being, and these words deserve to be replayed and heard by today's generation. Listen and enjoy. Peace.

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