Thursday, April 3, 2008

Episode 111: "The Hate That Hate Produced" (parts 1 & 2)

I'm a little late with this blog posting, but I've been trying to finish up this moving and unpacking. But I am back online, and trying to play a little catch up. So here is the posting for Episode 111 parts 1 and 2.

After all of the news reports the past few weeks about a certain dangerous religious figure, I thought it was a good time to put out the news documentary, "The Hate That Hate Produced". It's interesting to watch this report from 1959, and see how far journalistic reporting of outspoken African-American religious figures has come in the last forty years. "The Hate That Hate Produced" introduced the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X to mainstream America, and scared the heck out of them at the same time. This documentary appealed to white America and "sober-minded Negroes" to call attention to these "racist" and anti-American statements. It's interesting to compare this report to some of the journalistic reporting broadcast recently. But aside from those personal observations, this news report was so popular when it was broadcast, it became the format for the long running news program "60 Minutes" (yes, that's Chris Wallace narrating this program). This documentary is an excellent source of some historic interviews and speeches from the leaeders and spokesmen of the Nation of Islam and the United African Nationalist Movement including James Lawson, and political leaders including Adam Clayton Powell and NAACP spokesman Roy Wilkins. Part two features some interesting interviews with members of the black community of Harlem asking their opinions of the Black Muslims and Nationalist groups. And the ending interview with African-American reporter Lomax is also an interesting look into investigative reporting of the African American community. These episodes are definitely worth a watch. Peace.

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