Saturday, December 8, 2007

Episode 83: "Song of Freedom" (part 2)

Now this is where the story gets good. Finally, a plot twist, and less singing. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you went over to Africa? Well, watch what happens when John Zinga (Paul Robeson) goes back, taking his wife and friend, and claiming to be the king! I ended up really enjoying this movie, and to think that it was made back in 1936 by Hammer Film Productions in London. 1936! Obviously, nothing like this could have come out of the US.

Apparently this movie did pretty well in the box office, everywhere but in the US (especially in the south). And Paul Robeson was even given final cut approval on the film, something very few other actors ever had. It makes me wonder if a movie like this could be made today. Anyway, enjoy the conclusion of "Song of Freedom", a new classic for me.


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